Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What are food stylists hired for anyway?

Why, making food look beautiful right? Sort of........but more importantly food stylists are hired to help sell products. We are hired to make food look pretty so that our clients have a better chance of getting their consumers to buy their product. Whether it is a cookbook or magazine cover or a hamburger on a menu or a pizza to be featured on packaging. The photos are produced to sell the food that we've worked so hard to make look it's best.

So, food stylists need to remember that we are partners in the selling process. It is our job to serve our clients and their vision of what will sell to their customers. I think that some days so much time is focused solely on the details and not on the big picture. While the details are VERY important, I think it is good to start every job with an idea of the ultimate goal and vision. What is the style and feeling of the photo? How does it fit into the design? The food stylist is often the last one told about what the design concept is for the project or  where the photos will be seen. I  think we need to ask a lot of questions.....namely "how can I help you to sell your product?".

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