Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Amazing Balancing Ice Cream Sandwiches

This shot was really fun to do. At first I was a little worried about the time we would have before the ice cream sandwiches would begin to melt.

I worked with another food stylist on this one. We each styled two of the sandwiches. We started out our shot with "fake" ice cream sandwiches (meaning fake ice cream) so the photographer and set stylist could spend time setting up the shot and getting the lighting just right without the mess of real ice cream melting on set.

After the photographer was ready to go (about 2 hours after we started) I put our ice cream sandwiches on set. And for some reason I was feeling pretty lucky that day and thought I would attempt to balance the top two sandwiches without the aid of toothpicks or other "safety nets". This is pretty unlike me. I am always coming up with crazy ways to hold things together and keep them in place for extended periods of time. Glue, pins, toothpicks, wire, magic get the picture. But this day I decided to just go for it. And it worked. And those sandwiches looked awesome for a good 10 minutes. They were first frozen solid on dry ice to give them a longer life. Even as they melted they didn't budge. That was a day I declared that the styling gods were definitely smiling down upon us.

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