Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Prepare for Plan A....and Plan B....and Plan C....

So when is a whole roasted turkey for a magazine cover not a whole roasted turkey for a magazine cover? When it's slices of turkey on a plate. My advice, always plan for the unexpected. And, the really unexpected.

I walked into my photo shoot on Monday morning with 3 turkeys all ready to go into the oven. Actually, I had started one at home around 5:30 a.m. so it would be partially browned before I arrived at the studio. Upon greeting the art director on the shoot I discovered there had been a change to the cover design and it was now going to be slices of turkey on a plate with green bean and roasted red pepper salad and sausage stuffing. No problem I said. It would take me about an hour and a half to get cooked turkey breast slices on set for the stand in plate, but I had everything I needed. Whew!

Just another day at the office. Usually there is something in every photo shoot that comes up that is a change from the original idea. I try to think of all the alternative possibilities in advance so I have options. Always keeping a little something up my sleeve (or in my cooler) just in case.

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